Seed Library

(Free Seeds for Schools)

Growing, saving and sharing seeds is at the heart of Farm Lab. Without seeds (plants!), humans wouldn’t get very far. Through the Farm Lab we buy seeds in bulk, and save seeds and circulate them through our community seed libraries including the Lakehead Seed Library (currently at Simcoe Hall) and Orillia Seed Library. Community members are encouraged to borrow, grow, save and return seeds to the library and participate in related events and programs. We also supply free seeds to school partners, including germination test activity kits, start your own seed library kits, and much more. Together we can create a vibrant local food system rooted in a biodiverse and resilient seed system.

Stay tuned for more information or contact our Farm Lab coordinator Jacob at if you are interested in any of our Seedy activities!

Below is a list and description for some seeds available to borrow & grow through the Farm Lab Seed Library program.

Embedded Google Spreadsheet

The below spreadsheet (click here for a more accessible viewable catalogue) represents a student engaged community science initiative involving germination test experiments with the library’s seed collection including their profiles. Thank you to Lindsay Sargent’s 1st year Science education class from the B.Ed. program for conducting the first round of germination tests in fall 2023 which has kickstarted this ongrowing project!