Farm Lab Related B.Ed. / Other Course Activities

Have you ever had to do an assignment for school and you felt like it was just “make work”? Well what if that assignment offered real world value to your community and your learning – plus you got course credit?

Are you a Lakehead B.Ed. (or other) student at Lakehead and are interested in integrating the Farm Lab into one or more of your course assignments? Maybe you need to do a “passion project” about an environmental or social issue? Maybe you need to develop a lesson plan for a class? Why not feed two birds with one seed and spend your time at Farm Lab while you learn?

Past student projects that have benefited the Farm Lab and the broader community have included recipe books, lesson plans, multimedia (film, photography, journalism), community food security reports, and mulch more!

Get in touch if you’d like to explore opportunities to integrate your course work with the Farm Lab!