Volunteer at Farm Lab!

The Farm Lab welcomes volunteers for hands on growing opportunities at Lakehead University and in support of school and community gardens throughout our community. To volunteer please complete our short volunteer application form here. There are many ways to volunteer with us including but not limited to:

  1. Planting and Transplanting:
    • Help plant seeds and tend to seedlings in our small greenhouse. Transplant seedlings.
  2. Garden Maintenance:
    • Assist with weeding, mulching, and general garden upkeep.
  3. Watering and Irrigation:
    • Manage watering schedules, check irrigation systems, and ensure plants are adequately hydrated.
  4. Composting and Soil Health:
    • Participate in composting initiatives to promote soil health, including collecting organic waste and managing compost systems.
  5. Harvesting and Food Sharing Preparation:
    • Assist with harvesting crops and preparing them for food-sharing programs, such as weighing and sorting produce.
  6. Food Distribution and Donation:
    • Help organize and distribute produce to the Lakehead Food Pantry and The Sharing Place Food Centre.
  7. Community Outreach and Education:
    • Participate in outreach programs to educate the community about the Farm Lab and our project.
  8. Workshops and Training Sessions:
    • Assist in conducting workshops on topics like gardening, composting, and cooking with fresh produce for community members.
  9. Collaborative Cooking and Meal Preparation:
    • Participate in community cooking sessions where harvested produce is used to prepare meals for food-sharing events or donation to community organizations.
  10. Community Events and Food-Sharing Initiatives:
    • Help organize community events centered around food sharing, such as potlucks, farm-to-table dinners, or harvest festivals.
  11. Sustainable Practices and Innovation:
    • Work on implementing sustainable practices to enhance food production and reduce waste, such as rainwater collection or using organic pest control methods.
  12. General Cleanup and Organization:
    • Assist in keeping the Farm Lab clean and organized, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for volunteers and visitors.
  13. Art and Creative Projects:
    • Engage in creative projects that promote the community and food-sharing themes, like creating garden markers or educational signs.
  14. Community Collaboration and Partnerships:
    • Assist in building relationships with local community organizations, schools, and businesses to expand the reach of food-sharing programs.
  15. Social Media and Communication:
    • Contribute to spreading the word about Farm Lab activities, events, and food-sharing initiatives through social media or other communication channels.