Farm Lab

Growing Education through Garden-Based Learning.

The Farm Lab is a ‘micro’ model agroecological farm and school garden support program for hands on, experiential, place-based education. With a focus on science and other curriculum subjects, we help to grow a more healthy, sustainable and just food system for our community.

The Lakehead Farm Lab in late April, 2024. Garlic sprouting in the foreground. Our hoop house full of winter-seeded arugula and kale ready to harvest and seedlings emerging.

Education that nourishes student minds and bodies.

We are cultivating a team of experienced garden-based educators able to lead and support science curriculum integrated programming in partnership with local schools (K-12) within the Simcoe County area. Our educators offer hands on programming in schools, professional development for teachers, and host field trips to the Farm Lab at Lakehead University in Orillia. Farm Lab works to connect and grow our community food system through education.

Field Trips

Fill out our field trip application form to schedule an opportunity to visit the Farm Lab.

Bring Farm Lab to your school

Fill out our intake application form to schedule an opportunity to arrange programming with one of our garden-based educators.

For Lakehead Teacher Candidates!

B.Ed. student volunteering and alternative placement opportunities.

Community Partnerships

Farm Lab is open to community partnerships to advance our shared goals, including events, workshops and community garden support.

Lakehead Seed Library

We tend to our Lakehead Seed Library which also provides free seeds and seed literacy programming to school gardens in our region.

Resources & Support for School Growers

In addition to seeds we provide other physical and intellectual resources (like pots, trays, and connections for compost, building materials, etc…) and lesson plans, activities, etc… that your school needs to grow.

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